Global Sustainable Installation and Implementation of Turnarounds, Transformations, Reorganisations and Solutions; through Operational, Commercial and Financial Excellence

Global Engagements

Countries where Michael Keeling has made a difference

Who Michael Keeling is

Michael Keeling is a Trusted Global Installer and Implementer of Turnarounds, Transformations and Reorganisations accelerating the Recovery and Growth for all Industries and Business Sectors. This is achieved by focusing on Optimising, Enhancing and sustaining the Interfaces, Interactions and Outcomes of existing, Modified and New Processes, Practices, Procedures and Outcomes and by Taking Out redundant, incorrect, inappropriate, conflicting ones. This is through the structured application of:

Keeling IMSO® and True Reality Review®

Michael Keeling is respected and acknowledged by Investors as delivering structured, measured benefits and improved industries and businesses with and through all client’s teams and individuals. Trusted in over 42 industries and business sectors, across 40 countries and in more than 229 client engagements, in public, private, governmental, venture capital, private equity and family owned businesses.
Engaging and earning respect across all well performing and underperforming / distressed industries and business sectors. Delivering practical, solid, sustainable physical change in the ways of working and accelerating career developments.
Michael Keeling engages within and across all levels , accelerating and assisting in changing the career paths of Boards of Directors, C-Level, Management, Supervision and all Employees / People Resources including the most junior and recently hired.
Clients engage with Michael Keeling across their whole organisation or in specific functions / departments of their industries and business sectors. Including their out sourced service providers, suppliers and customers networks.
Michael Keeling looks forward to sustainably sharing this expertise with you & gaining your trust

Where Michael Keeling Engages

With the Structured Application of Keeling IMSO®

Focus of the True Reality Review® is the

  • ASSURANCE and COMPLIANCE, across the

The Business Case enables the:

  • ASSURANCE and COMPLIANCE across the

How Michael Keeling Engages

Utilising existing client resources, MK delivers structured accelerated & measured benefits that improve Recovery and Growth of Industries and Businesses.
The specific and unique status of each client’s industry / business determines whether the Operational, Commercial and Financial engagement is a Turnaround, Transformation, Reorganisation or another Solution
  • An Initial Meeting to discuss and understand your immediate, current and future issues, needs and opportunities
  • Purpose and structured application of Keeling IMSO®
  • A joint detailed and transparent review of the current status
  • Detailed understanding of existing Processes, Practices, Procedures, Issues, Needs, Opportunities, Efficiencies and Effectiveness
  • Confirmation of Sustainability
  • Application of Keeling IMSO®
  • Quantification and Qualification of the Opportunities. Baselined with Metrics Determined and Defined from the Issues and Needs
  • Confirmation of New Way of Working
  • Agreed & Resourced Timeline for Installation and Implementation for: How, When, Who, Why, Where the Changes are Required
  • Structured Sustainability identified
  • Keeling IMSO® confirming which Processes, Practices and Procedures require to be changed
Sustainably Installed
  • Installation and Implementation of New Way of Working
  • Optimised and Enhanced Interfaces, Interactions and Outcomes for Operational, Commercial and Financial Processes, Practices and Procedures
  • Increased Efficiencies and Effectiveness of the Processes, Practices and Procedures within and across the Internal and External functions / departments
  • Measurement of Benefits through Client’s Numbers
  • Structured Sustainability resourced & Keeling IMSO® methodology adopted

This is structured and delivered through:

  • Quantified and Qualified Operational, Commercial and Financial improvements, positively impacting Top and Bottom Lines
  • Optimising, Enhancing and Sustaining changes in the Efficiencies and Effectiveness of Processes, Practices and Procedures; through New Ways of Working
  • Accelerating the performances Well Performing Business and Industries, increasing their Productivity and their overall Health and Wealth
  • Recovery of Underperforming / Off-Schedule Processes, Projects, Programmes, Margins and Profits, to be able to increase their Productivity, Health and Wealth
  • Recovery of Distressed Businesses and Industries, positioning them for Growth through being able to take Informed Decisions directly impacting their Productivity, Health and Wealth
Engagements begin by determining where a client believes where they are currently positioned on the Recovery and Growth Curve; then engages with clients, improving the business performance, health and wealth of their businesses and industries. This is achieved by:
  • Structured steps determining which type of engagement is required to accelerate Recovery and or Growth
  • Partnering with clients throughout, ensuring sustainable changes and benefits are installed and implemented
  • Delivering with and through the client’s people resources
  • Measured and management of client’s operational, commercial and financial numbers


Recovering and Growing Industries and Business

The demands on C-Level are relentless, requiring 360 vision and crystal clear focus to address the issues – needs – opportunities for Recovery and Growth.

C-Level need for efficient, effective processes, practices and procedures are truly and deeply understood by Michael Keeling. Conflicting Internal and External demands are equally understood, including how to overcome and resolve these at all levels.

The issues and opportunities for all employees and people resources are uniquely determined and defined by the efficiency and effectiveness of processes, practices and procedures.

Michael Keeling is a partner who precisely understands how to sustainably install and implement bespoke and tailored business cases, integrating the development of the immediate demands for recovery and growth with employees and personal resources and their new ways of working.

Processes, Practices, Procedures