Metal Manufacturing & Processing

Overview & Case Study

Examples of projects and engagements include, foundries, forges, bespoke casting, ore processing plants, metal refining, steel mills, diamonds, metals extraction and recovery including, lead, zinc, iron, copper, aluminium and gold.  

Case study:

Turnaround of gold recovery for a marginal open pit gold mine company. Marginal recoveries being made worse as open bowls deepening, longer travel distances to processing plant. Increasing costs with quantities of recovery rates below the lower end of the margin range. Loading, transportation, receipt, charging, processing, crushing, milling, smelting, grinding, wet chemistry and extraction stages are stated as within guidelines but with no credible reason for below margin recoveries. Fresh overburden removal plans being delayed, no new bowls to be opened. Chemical additions and process control changes are not stable, showing spikes and unanswered variances.

  • Restructured investigation into every stage of ore extraction to recovery, deviations to guidelines confirmed,
  • Program management of the agreed physical and chemical changes required, all skills available at remote location mine,
  • Reorganisation of resources, processes and practices, blast to final recovery, skills upgrade for all steps,
  • Transformation through reorganisation of resource interaction, restricted control setting and removal of multiple process,
  • Recovery rates improved, additional chemistry and costs reduced,
  • Turnaround of mine with new overburden removal and new bowls recovering top end or higher than margin range

Contact Michael Keeling today, to discuss higher recoveries and returns for reorganisations, transformations and turnarounds in your mining and processing operations.  

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Michael Keeling.

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