Examples of projects and engagements include, transformation in costs for oil platform constructions, deep sea ocean bed equipment, road, rail, sea and industrial infrastructures. Turnaround and reorganisation of failing engineering programs and gated lifecycles, including end of life repurposing, design and construction of limited edition specialist vehicles.
Case Study:
Transformation and recovery of design, test, manufacture and costs for an engineering company’s deep sea ocean bed pumping equipment. Orders delayed for niche, bespoke designs for new fit and replacement equipment, all with contracted short leadtimes. Prototype costs increasing, retrospective re-engineering not passing tests, pre-production volume not salvageable. Design, test, pre-production excellence not coordinated. Costs out and cash in essential. Rework adversely affecting throughput and delivery times of other customers orders.
Contact Michael Keeling today, to discuss how to engineer cost and time effective turnarounds, reorganisations and transformations in your business.