
Overview & Case Study

Examples of projects and engagements include, vehicle manufacturing, assembly, parts and equipment for automotive, heavy, light industry, specialist and bespoke products and assemblies. Rail, air and sea transportation vehicles and equipment. Equipment and parts used in and for general and specialist packaging, electronics, mining and quarrying, conveyor systems, delicate microscopic components to giant infrastructure components. Equipment, parts and controls used in food & beverage.  

Case study:

Transformation of a rail carriage manufacturer. Final assembly throughput and productivity declining, delivery dates not believed by customers, planning of sub-assemblies and part supply not sequenced to support final assembly. Storage of part finished assemblies preventing pull flow. Flow sufficiently distressed that planning and scheduling of final assembly is at best on 4-hourly projections. Special off-site processes not sequenced or matched to on site sub-assembly. Non-recoverable additional costs and incorrect inventories increasing.

  • Transparent backlog, critical shortage, critical path recovery and reporting installed,
  • Revised sequencing of backlog and deliveries, scheduled recovery of inventory shortages and finished assemblies,
  • Retrofitting and re-engineering costs confirmed, resourced and backlogs cleared,
  • Overhauled and implemented accurate metrics, including waste, scrap and productivity,
  • Structured reduction of rework, rectification, reprocessing and part stripping,
  • Inventory and stock turns correction, internally and with external suppliers

Contact Michael Keeling today, to discuss how to manufacture the delivery of earlier reorganisations, transformations and turnarounds of your business.

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Michael Keeling.

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