Clothing & Fashion

Overview & Case Study

Examples of projects and engagement include, footwear, clothing and occasional clothing, for design, raw material processing, pre-cutting, cut, assemble and finish, maximising yields, automated versus manual fabric selection, automated versus hand cut, reduced fabric loss and cost through consistency of skills, costs and demographic limitations for distribution and redistribution.


Case study:

Turnaround of footwear manufacturer, increasing orders, reducing skill sets, increasing raw material costs, decreasing quality of raw materials, yield losses in pre-assembly and final processing increasing, deteriorating on time in full to customers, margins under stress, investment needs in conflict with worsening cash flow and working capital needs.

  • On time in full restored to customers, on time in full receipt restored with suppliers,
  • Adverse yield losses in pre-assembly and final processing corrected, reducing procurement volumes and costs,
  • Increased productivity through overhaul of skills and skills retention,
  • Transformation of planning, scheduling and in-process inspection recovering capacity for increasing orders,
  •  Yields per skin increased, off-cut waste reduced, pre-assembly costs reduced,
  • Margins increased; investment conflict removed


Contact Michael Keeling today, to discuss cutting the time for transformation, reorganising, and turnaround of your business.

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Michael Keeling.

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