Postal & Courier

Overview & Case Study

Examples of projects and engagements include, courier service start-up in a competitive market place, privatisation of a national postal service, recovery of a courier service under pressure from competition.

Case study:

Transformation of the privatisation of a national postal service required as not being delivered. All pre-privatisation activities remain but scheduled privatisation changes and benefits not being achieved. Target cost reductions are not being achieved as a result of reorganisation in sorting offices and rescheduled domestic collection and delivery times. Reduced transportation and fleet costs not being achieved.

  • Privatisation changes delivered, installed in sorting, collections and delivery times and reduced operating costs in transportation and fleet,
  • Restructure and transformation of sorting, collection and delivery operating costs and working practices,
  • Installation of required changes across all locations resulting in productivity improvement in maintenance and facilities management,
  • Transformation of postal services for communities and businesses

Contact Michael Keeling today, to discuss posting quicker and earlier results of reorganisations, transformations and turnarounds in your operations.

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