Accelerating Recovery and Growth

Michael Keeling is a globally trusted professional revitalising industries and businesses through agreed business case Turnarounds. Jointly conducted True Reality Review® enables a deep understanding of your current operational, commercial and financial status. This identifies the key and significant issues, needs, challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed and corrected. This enables a Business Case to be prepared, discussed and agreed.

Tailored Turnarounds

Through collaborative discussions, Michael Keeling works closely with you and your teams to:

  • Define your specific requirements for Recovery and Growth
  • Assess your organisations cultural, structural and timelines to deliver the Business Case
  • Develop a customised Turnaround Schedule that aligns with your organisation’s unique needs.

Our Approach:

  • Deep Dive Analysis: We begin by conducting a joint comprehensive True Reality Review®, to gain a clear, transparent understanding of your Operational, Commercial and Financial status, including the issues, needs, challenges and opportunities.
  • Customised Turnaround: Based on the joint findings a bespoke Turnaround Business Plan is produced, that details and addresses the specific needs, opportunities and actions to install and implement the required changes in Ways of Working
  • Transparent and Collaborative Installation and Implementation: We work directly with your people to install and implement the Turnaround, with focus on creating ownership which underpins the sustainability of the Turnaround
  • Measurable Turnaround Benefits: These are jointly determined in the Business Case and the means to regularly measure them are Installed and Implemented with and by your people as the New Ways of Working are adopted.

The Transparent and Collaborative Approach with Michael Keeling involves:

  • Open Communication: Ensuring clear understanding of roles, responsibilities and expectations
  • Continuous Evaluation: Regularly assessing progress and making necessary adjustments
  • People-Centric Installation and Implementation: Leading your team to be empowered to drive and own the changes required

Delivering Sustainable Results

The tailored Turnaround is designed to:

  • Achieve Rapid Results: Installing and Implementing Effective and Efficient New Ways of Working for Immediate and Sustainable Impact
  • Foster Long-Term Sustainability: Creating and Building Ongoing Success and Ownership
  • Measure Progress: Tracking and actioning Key Performance Indicators (Operational, Commercial and Financial) for progress and outcomes, through data-driven metrics and analytics

Confidentiality and Expertise

Michael Keeling approaches each Turnaround with:

  • Absolute discretion: Respecting each client’s date and information
  • Proven Expertise: Applying the successful Keeling IMSO® methodology globally across industries and businesses
  • Tailored Schedule of Activities specific to your industries / business needs and opportunities

Partnering with Michael Keeling will:

Revitalise your business / industry
Drive sustainably owned growth and profitability
Secure a dynamic future

Contact Michael Keeling below to discuss your specific needs and to learn more about how we can help you achieve Rapid Recovery and Growth

Book a True Reality Review®

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Michael Keeling will email you requesting to confirm a date and time when we can meet (physically or remotely) to discuss and progress your enquiry.

Sincerely appreciated

Michael Keeling.

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