Port Operations

Overview & Case Study

Examples of projects and engagements include, General Cargo and Container ports. Process optimisation and productivity in operations, planning, logistics, execution, maintenance and facilities management. Earlier release of containers without loss of revenue.

Case study:

Transformation for a global container shipping company to reduce the ageing days of stored containers and costs without loss of revenue for all trans shipment, import and export containers. No transparent ability to manage and control good and bad storage and knowing precisely which containers to move. No transparent ageing profile to assist in earlier release of containers across the whole container cycle. Transparency of stored containers status needed to operate across all trade routes and all storage locations.

  • Turnaround of the daily transparency of stored containers,
  • Installation of daily status and ageing consistent knowledge of the sequence of containers to be moved at any time,
  • Transformation of cost reductions in moving ageing containers without adverse effect on demurrage and detention,
  • Installation of daily transparent reporting and informed decision taking

Contact Michael Keeling today, to discuss earlier and accurate completion of reorganisations, transformations and turnarounds in your operation

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Michael Keeling.

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